Here’s how much time you can save by hiring a Social Media Manager

What would you do with an extra 6 hours per week? A Vertical Response survey found some fascinating results regarding the amount of time that business owners spent working on their social media accounts each week. Check this out…

43% of business owners spend six hours or more working on their social media each week

⏰ 25% are spending 6 to 10 hours
⏰ 11% are spending 11 to 20 hours, and
⏰ 7% spend more than 20 hours each week!

Imagine if you had to try and run your business as well as spend 6+ hours per week on social media marketing … that’s a smidge over 1 hour per day, or 24 hours per month!

If it doesn’t sound like a lot, think about how you could spend that time doing something more productive in your business instead, such as helping it scale and grow and run more efficiently. Or using this time to do some training and learn new skills. And not to mention some “Free Time” or “Me Time” to do the things you enjoy outside of work (hello family, friends, pets and hobbies!).

Social media is a great way to keep your company in the minds of potential customers. You need it. It is realllllly important. And there are so many distractions and priority tasks that require your valuable time as a business owner, but social media doesn’t have to be one of them! So why not just outsource it?

If you’re looking for an easy and affordable solution to better manage your online presence while keeping track of trending topics and hashtags, look no further! As a full-time Social Media Manager, I’ll handle all aspects of your social needs, from strategy creation and content posting to analytics reporting. So send me a DM and start saving time now!


If you are looking for an easy and affordable solution to better manage your online presence while keeping track of trending topics and hashtags, look no further! As a full-time Social Media Manager, I’ll handle all aspects of your social media marketing, from strategy creation and content posting to analytics reporting and Facebook Ads.

Click here to send me a message!

Or visit my store and select a Monthly Plan to get started

👉 I’ll run your socials so you can run your business. Let’s chat!