Category: Social Media

Have you tried writing your Instagram captions BACKWARDS?

Sounds strange, doesn’t it? But hear me out. This tip might help when you get stuck writing captions. A “normal” Instagram caption goes like this: πŸ‘‡πŸ» Paragraphs of information/commentary/instructions/info on whatever topic you are posting about πŸ‘‡πŸ» Followed by a Call To Action (CTA) πŸ‘‡πŸ» Then Hashtags I know that some people struggle when writing their Insta captions, and if this is you, try starting from the bottom instead. Let me explain: HASHTAGS: I keep a Word Doc with all the hashtags I regularly use. I have these broken down into a number of unique sets so they are ready…

Sounds strange, doesn’t it? But hear me out. This tip might help when you get stuck writing captions.

A “normal” Instagram caption goes like this:

πŸ‘‡πŸ» Paragraphs of information/commentary/instructions/info on whatever topic you are posting about
πŸ‘‡πŸ» Followed by a Call To Action (CTA)
πŸ‘‡πŸ» Then Hashtags

I know that some people struggle when writing their Insta captions, and if this is you, try starting from the bottom instead. Let me explain:


I keep a Word Doc with all the hashtags I regularly use. I have these broken down into a number of unique sets so they are ready to modify and paste into the bottom of my captions. Start here.


When I plan content, the first thing I do is look at the goals I’m trying to achieve that month. This helps me come up with the CTA’s that you should be putting at the bottom of each post (yes, EACH post!). I also keep a list of CTA’s in a Word Doc that I can copy and paste from when I need ideas.

So, I write my CTA’s with a clear focus on what I want my audience TO DO after reading my post. For example…
πŸ‘‰πŸ» Follow me for more tips
πŸ‘‰πŸ» Visit my website for plans and prices

Once you know what you want to achieve from that post, pop your CTA above the Hashtags.


Start writing about whatever it is you have decided to cover today. This will depend on your industry, niche and audience. I spent most of the day writing captions for a butcher shop, so I legit wrote a caption specifically about “Sausages” today lol.

So now you have your PARAGRAPHS (about Sausages)… followed by a CTA (Come on in and buy some tasty sausages!)… followed by your Hashtags (#sausagesΒ lol).

Now what?

Well, now I can go and create my graphics. With the caption done (Paragraphs + CTA + Hashtags), most of the work is complete already! I can head on over to Canva and create the image/video I’d like to pair with the caption.

This caption-writing method really helps me stay on track when creating client content! It also helps me to focus on creating content that aligns with our strategy and my client’s goals.

Do you do this too? Give it a try and see if it works for you!


Tired of writing captions and searching for hashtags? Are you ready to outsource your social media marketing to a professional?

Click here to send me a message!

πŸ‘‰ I can help you with Instagram, Facebook, Google My Business, LinkedIn as well as Facebook Ads. I’m a social media expert ready to help business owners just like you!

VIP DAYS Coming Soon!

This one is for all the entrepreneurs and business owners out there who need my help! Ok, so I know what it’s like to run a business. I have a loooong history of working in local businesses, small businesses, family-owned businesses (and I did my time in the construction industry too). And I know a LOT of the struggles that business owners face. βœ… You feel like you have to try and figure everything out by yourself. βœ… You feel like you have to DO everything yourself. βœ… And importantly, you know you need to be on Social Media or…

This one is for all the entrepreneurs and business owners out there who need my help!

Ok, so I know what it’s like to run a business. I have a loooong history of working in local businesses, small businesses, family-owned businesses (and I did my time in the construction industry too).

And I know a LOT of the struggles that business owners face.

βœ… You feel like you have to try and figure everything out by yourself.

βœ… You feel like you have to DO everything yourself.

βœ… And importantly, you know you need to be on Social Media or want to run some Facebook Ads and you just don’t know where to start.

So… you contacted an agency in the past and they quoted you some PHENOMENAL sum of money to do the work for you, you freaked out a bit, decided you couldn’t afford it, and you haven’t looked back at it since.

So, I just want to let YOU know that NOW is your chance to WORK WITH ME, and have all your social media dreams come true for an amazing AFFORDABLE one-off price!

I am gearing up for a BIG BIRTHDAY in a few days … so what better time to launch a Special Offer, right?

So stay tuned…. next week is BIRTHDAY WEEK… and I will let you know exactly what I am cooking up to help biz owners and entrepreneurs LIKE YOU!

More to come later!

Happy weekend everyone!


There will be only 4 slots available each month, so if you are too impatient to wait and see what I have in store, contact me with the words BIRTHDAY BASH and I’ll fill you in with all the juicy details.

Click here to send me a message!

More to come later!
Happy weekend everyone!


Should you hire a Social Media Manager or a Social Media Agency?

So you’re thinking of hiring a social media manager, but you’re not sure if you should go with a freelancer or an agency. Let’s break down the pros and cons of both so you can make the best decision for your business. Hiring a social media manager (SMM) is on many people’s minds lately. More and more businesses realise how important it is to have a solid social media presence, but deciding whether to go with a freelancer or an agency can be tricky. What are you getting when you hire an agency vs hiring a social media manager on…

So you’re thinking of hiring a social media manager, but you’re not sure if you should go with a freelancer or an agency. Let’s break down the pros and cons of both so you can make the best decision for your business.

Hiring a social media manager (SMM) is on many people’s minds lately. More and more businesses realise how important it is to have a solid social media presence, but deciding whether to go with a freelancer or an agency can be tricky.

What are you getting when you hire an agency vs hiring a social media manager on their own?

Let’s break it down:

But first… let me just say I’m not against agencies. I just find they are better suited to big companies with deep pockets. I am, of course, a Freelance Social Media Manager. And I can tell you that I have had some poor clients have some terrible experiences with some very expensive agencies. But that is a blog post for another time. Let’s continue…

When you hire an agency, you’re just a number. You’re one of many clients that the agency is working with at any given time. SMM’s on the other hand, work with you one-on-one. We can provide personalised attention and ensure we deliver social media campaigns tailored to YOUR specific goals.
βœ… When you work with me, I’m the one who writes your captions, creates your graphics and does all the background research, analysis and strategising.

Agencies are expensive. They have lots of overheads – staff, an office, equipment, etc. SMM’s don’t have these kinds of expenses so we can offer our services at a lower price.
βœ… I work from home which keeps my biz costs (and my prices) down.

Long term contracts can be a bit of a stressor for small business owners. Many agencies ask their clients to sign 3, 6 or 12-month contracts. So if you want to cancel your contract (or don’t like their work), you may have to pay a cancellation fee. On the other hand, SMM’s often work on a monthly so you’re not locked for months at a time.
βœ… I work on month-to-month contracts so we can keep going for as long as you are happy!

Some social media managers offer discounts for long-term contracts, whereas agencies typically don’t.
βœ… You can save $600 over three months by taking my 12 Week Ultimate package vs the Deluxe Monthly plan.

So, what do you think? Is it worth it to hire a freelance social media manager on their own or go with an agency? Give me your pros and cons in the comments!


Are you ready to outsource your social media management? Book your free 20-minute discovery call today and let’s see if we can work together in 2022!

Click here to send me a message!

Or visit my store and select your plan

πŸ‘‰ And if you are not quite ready to hand over the management of your social media just yet, perhaps I can assist you with one of my one-off services? Do need a hand with getting set up, creating a strategy, or generating a few hashtag sets? Contact me! I’m a social media expert ready to help business owners just like you!

Do you want more followers? Or do you want more PAYING CLIENTS?

In the words of the Spice Girls… 🎀 Tell me what you want, what you really really want! 🎀 Do you want more Instagram followers? Or do you want more paying clients and more ACTUAL sales??? More followers on social media sites may look impressive, but they will not necessarily help you earn a living. When building a brand, remember you are creating an online business, so you should measure success in sales and income… not how many people follow your page! I remember vividly that I had exactly 113 Instagram followers when I hit my target of having eight…

In the words of the Spice Girls… 🎀 Tell me what you want, what you really really want! 🎀

Do you want more Instagram followers? Or do you want more paying clients and more ACTUAL sales???

More followers on social media sites may look impressive, but they will not necessarily help you earn a living. When building a brand, remember you are creating an online business, so you should measure success in sales and income… not how many people follow your page!

I remember vividly that I had exactly 113 Instagram followers when I hit my target of having eight social media clients. Even now, I have about 400 followers, which isn’t a lot for a Social Media Manager. But I only work with 12 clients max, so really, I’m not concerned by my follower count because I am fully booked! I have enough clients to generate my goal income and support my little family as a solo parent. It’s not the followers that matter to me… it’s paying my mortgage and the school fees, and being able to take a holiday with my kids.

In my opinion, the key to growing a successful business is not about accumulating as many followers as possible… it’s about attracting customers who are willing to pay for your product or service! The best way to do this is by providing value and solving a problem for your target market.

βœ… You will see results when you focus on creating great content and delivering exceptional customer service!

And don’t forget to reach out to your target market and build relationships. By providing valuable information, you will be able to stand out from the competition and attract more paying customers!

So remember, it’s not all about the number of followers you have – it’s about how many paying customers you can attract. Focus on providing great content and delivering exceptional customer service, and you will see results in no time!

If you are ready to hire a Social Media Manager for your content creation or Facebook Ads, I can help you!

Click here to send me a message!

πŸ‘‰ Whether you are ready to hand over the management of your Facebook and Instagram, need a hand with Facebook Ads, creating a strategy, or generating hashtag sets, contact me! I’m a social media expert ready to help business owners just like you!

Do you love LinkedIn?

We all know there is more to Social Media than just Facebook and Instagram, right? So, are you using LinkedIn as part of your social media strategy? LinkedIn isn’t just for B2B anymore. And let me give you an example. Let’s say you sell pet products, or wine, or holidays. I can confidently say there are people on LinkedIn who have pets, drink wine and take holidays. Here’s the latest stats from my friends at Napoleancat (coz you guys know how much I like statistics) … 🀯 There were 12,750,000 LinkedIn users in Australia in January 2022, which accounted for…

We all know there is more to Social Media than just Facebook and Instagram, right?

So, are you using LinkedIn as part of your social media strategy?

LinkedIn isn’t just for B2B anymore. And let me give you an example. Let’s say you sell pet products, or wine, or holidays. I can confidently say there are people on LinkedIn who have pets, drink wine and take holidays.

Here’s the latest stats from my friends at Napoleancat (coz you guys know how much I like statistics) …

🀯 There were 12,750,000 LinkedIn users in Australia in January 2022, which accounted for 48.7% of its entire population. People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group (7,300,000).

I recently explained this to a client, and I created a strategy that included LinkedIn as well as Facebook and Instagram. And have a look at these 30-day insights!

This account has SPRUNG to life with the consistent posting of quality, strategic content. My client is getting plenty of new followers, lots of visits to the company website, and we’ve taken the post reach from “Bugger All” to nearly 10,000 in just a month! And the DM’s have been landing nicely in my client’s inbox with people wanting to work with their company, which is EXACTLY what we set out to achieve!

If this is something you’d like to look at for your business, let’s chat!

Click here to send me a message!

Or visit my store and select your Monthly Plan today!

πŸ‘‰ I have social media packages that include LinkedIn as well as Facebook and Instagram starting from just $600 AUD per month. Let’s love your LinkedIn!

Here’s how much time you can save by hiring a Social Media Manager

What would you do with an extra 6 hours per week? A Vertical Response survey found some fascinating results regarding the amount of time that business owners spent working on their social media accounts each week. Check this out… ⏰ 43% of business owners spend six hours or more working on their social media each week ⏰ 25% are spending 6 to 10 hours ⏰ 11% are spending 11 to 20 hours, and ⏰ 7% spend more than 20 hours each week! Imagine if you had to try and run your business as well as spend 6+ hours per week…

What would you do with an extra 6 hours per week? A Vertical Response survey found some fascinating results regarding the amount of time that business owners spent working on their social media accounts each week. Check this out…

⏰ 43% of business owners spend six hours or more working on their social media each week

⏰ 25% are spending 6 to 10 hours
⏰ 11% are spending 11 to 20 hours, and
⏰ 7% spend more than 20 hours each week!

Imagine if you had to try and run your business as well as spend 6+ hours per week on social media marketing … that’s a smidge over 1 hour per day, or 24 hours per month!

If it doesn’t sound like a lot, think about how you could spend that time doing something more productive in your business instead, such as helping it scale and grow and run more efficiently. Or using this time to do some training and learn new skills. And not to mention some “Free Time” or “Me Time” to do the things you enjoy outside of work (hello family, friends, pets and hobbies!).

Social media is a great way to keep your company in the minds of potential customers. You need it. It is realllllly important. And there are so many distractions and priority tasks that require your valuable time as a business owner, but social media doesn’t have to be one of them! So why not just outsource it?

If you’re looking for an easy and affordable solution to better manage your online presence while keeping track of trending topics and hashtags, look no further! As a full-time Social Media Manager, I’ll handle all aspects of your social needs, from strategy creation and content posting to analytics reporting. So send me a DM and start saving time now!


If you are looking for an easy and affordable solution to better manage your online presence while keeping track of trending topics and hashtags, look no further! As a full-time Social Media Manager, I’ll handle all aspects of your social media marketing, from strategy creation and content posting to analytics reporting and Facebook Ads.

Click here to send me a message!

Or visit my store and select a Monthly Plan to get started

πŸ‘‰ I’ll run your socials so you can run your business. Let’s chat!

How many active Facebook users are there in Australia in 2022?

G’day Mate! Is your business on Facebook? And if not, why not? If you have a product or service, chances are your existing and potential customers are hanging out on Facebook! I mean, just check out these stats… Data published in an article from Yahoo Finance in November 2021 says: “Facebook is the overall preferred platform, with 66 per cent of the total population, or 16 million, Australians using Facebook on a monthly basis.” The article goes on to explain that there’s a common misconception that young people are shunning Facebook and it “isn’t cool anymore”. The young ones are…

G’day Mate! Is your business on Facebook? And if not, why not?

If you have a product or service, chances are your existing and potential customers are hanging out on Facebook! I mean, just check out these stats…

Data published in an article from Yahoo Finance in November 2021 says: “Facebook is the overall preferred platform, with 66 per cent of the total population, or 16 million, Australians using Facebook on a monthly basis.”

The article goes on to explain that there’s a common misconception that young people are shunning Facebook and it “isn’t cool anymore”. The young ones are said to be exiting in droves, but statistics tell a different story.

In fact, younger generations in Australia are much more active Facebook users! Those aged between 18 and 29 are using the platform four times more per week than those over the age of 65.

And Facebook outranks Instagram with its number of users Down Under:

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Facebook = 66% of Aussie population = 16 million people
πŸ‘‰πŸ» Instagram = 42% of Australians = 10 million peeps

The above Instagram stat is the most current that I could find. To be precise, the Napoleoncat source article said “there were 10,840,000 Instagram users in Australia in February 2021”.



If you want to leverage the power of Facebook for YOUR BUSINESS, and need a social media manager to come to the rescue… hit me up!

Click here to send me a message!

Or choose from my Monthly Social Media Plans here

πŸ‘‰ You’ll definitely want to check out my VIP Social Media & Facebook Ads package. I take care of all your socials AND Facebook Ads as well!




Try this Instagram Live Hack

Do you want a simple way to get more eyes on YOUR Instagram posts and stories? Well, we all know that you have to GIVE engagement in order to GET it in return. So here is a nice easy way to do just that. πŸ‘‰πŸ» Go ahead and watch some Instagram Lives. These usually appear at the top of your feed alongside the Stories. πŸ‘‰πŸ» While you are there, leave a thoughtful comment. The key here is “thoughtful” comment… people appreciate quality engagement over general copy and paste remarks like “oh this is so cool!” πŸ‘‰πŸ» YOUR posts and stories…

Do you want a simple way to get more eyes on YOUR Instagram posts and stories?

Well, we all know that you have to GIVE engagement in order to GET it in return. So here is a nice easy way to do just that.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Go ahead and watch some Instagram Lives. These usually appear at the top of your feed alongside the Stories.
πŸ‘‰πŸ» While you are there, leave a thoughtful comment. The key here is “thoughtful” comment… people appreciate quality engagement over general copy and paste remarks like “oh this is so cool!”
πŸ‘‰πŸ» YOUR posts and stories will now start showing up in that person’s feed!

Instagram has just rolled out a new feature so that you can set REMINDERS for upcoming lives! So if you see someone in your feed announcing they’ll be going Live soon, tap the icon to set a reminder (it’s a little bell icon that hovers over the feed post). Also, if someone has scheduled an upcoming Live video session, this will be shown under the bio on their profile page and you can add the reminder from there. This way you can show up, comment thoughtfully, and get more eyes on your posts and stories!


If you are struggling with growing your Instagram account, and aren’t quite getting enough engagement, I can help!

Click here to send me a message!

I have monthly social media plans that include Engagement activities. We’ll interact with your followers and your industry-specific hashtags in an authentic way. This will help us build a community and attract genuine followers to your page by utilising our proven and strategic engagement methods.

πŸ‘‰ In addition to being a full-service social media manager, I can also run your Facebook and Instagram Ads! I’m a social media expert ready to help business owners just like you, so don’t hesitate to get in touch for a free chat.