Should you hire a Social Media Manager or a Social Media Agency?

So you’re thinking of hiring a social media manager, but you’re not sure if you should go with a freelancer or an agency. Let’s break down the pros and cons of both so you can make the best decision for your business.

Hiring a social media manager (SMM) is on many people’s minds lately. More and more businesses realise how important it is to have a solid social media presence, but deciding whether to go with a freelancer or an agency can be tricky.

What are you getting when you hire an agency vs hiring a social media manager on their own?

Let’s break it down:

But first… let me just say I’m not against agencies. I just find they are better suited to big companies with deep pockets. I am, of course, a Freelance Social Media Manager. And I can tell you that I have had some poor clients have some terrible experiences with some very expensive agencies. But that is a blog post for another time. Let’s continue…

When you hire an agency, you’re just a number. You’re one of many clients that the agency is working with at any given time. SMM’s on the other hand, work with you one-on-one. We can provide personalised attention and ensure we deliver social media campaigns tailored to YOUR specific goals.
✅ When you work with me, I’m the one who writes your captions, creates your graphics and does all the background research, analysis and strategising.

Agencies are expensive. They have lots of overheads – staff, an office, equipment, etc. SMM’s don’t have these kinds of expenses so we can offer our services at a lower price.
✅ I work from home which keeps my biz costs (and my prices) down.

Long term contracts can be a bit of a stressor for small business owners. Many agencies ask their clients to sign 3, 6 or 12-month contracts. So if you want to cancel your contract (or don’t like their work), you may have to pay a cancellation fee. On the other hand, SMM’s often work on a monthly so you’re not locked for months at a time.
✅ I work on month-to-month contracts so we can keep going for as long as you are happy!

Some social media managers offer discounts for long-term contracts, whereas agencies typically don’t.
✅ You can save $600 over three months by taking my 12 Week Ultimate package vs the Deluxe Monthly plan.

So, what do you think? Is it worth it to hire a freelance social media manager on their own or go with an agency? Give me your pros and cons in the comments!


Are you ready to outsource your social media management? Book your free 20-minute discovery call today and let’s see if we can work together in 2022!

Click here to send me a message!

Or visit my store and select your plan

👉 And if you are not quite ready to hand over the management of your social media just yet, perhaps I can assist you with one of my one-off services? Do need a hand with getting set up, creating a strategy, or generating a few hashtag sets? Contact me! I’m a social media expert ready to help business owners just like you!